

Welcome to the Tirolean (air pollution) sanctuary

Lienz plains / Eastern Tyrol

Current Events
Since 22 Juliy 2004, the following towns and villages have been protected from pollution by PM10 particles by the 300th decree of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on polluted areas (air) in the framework of the law on the environmental impact assessment (2000):
  • Amlach,
  • Dölsach,
  • Gaimberg,
  • Lavant,
  • Leisach,
  • Lienz,
  • Nikolsdorf,
  • Nussdorf-Debant,
  • Oberlienz and
  • Tristach
The decree was passed in the framework of the law on the environmental impact assessment and applies to areas below an altitude of 850 m above sea-level.

In the future, projects which decrease the quality of air are subject to an EIA (environmental impact assessment).

Inversion: Luft über dem Lienzer Talboden Air pollution in Austria

ITE - European Transport Initiative

CIPRA - International Commision for the Protection of the Alps